Option 3: Prepared samples

Obtain prepared sample call recordings

For those who want to save some time, we have prepared a few sample call recordings that you can download from an Amazon S3 bucket and upload into your recording bucket. In order to do so, please follow the steps below.

Download samples

You can download the samples using your browser or using the command line on your local machine.


  • Just paste the following URLs in a browser tab. Your browser might start playing the audio instead of downloading it. In this case, there should be a UX in your browser to explicitly download the audio.
  • http://d1z04l54rp7h7d.cloudfront.net/aim303/sample1.wav
  • http://d1z04l54rp7h7d.cloudfront.net/aim303/sample2.wav

Command line

  • If you like wget, paste the following commands into your shell:

    wget http://d1z04l54rp7h7d.cloudfront.net/aim303/sample1.wav
    wget http://d1z04l54rp7h7d.cloudfront.net/aim303/sample2.wav
  • If you like curl, paste the following commands into your shell:

    curl "http://d1z04l54rp7h7d.cloudfront.net/aim303/sample1.wav" --output sample1.wav
    curl "http://d1z04l54rp7h7d.cloudfront.net/aim303/sample2.wav" --output sample2.wav

Upload samples

Now you can upload the samples into your recording bucket. We will prefix each recording with connect/ in order to simulate a folder structure in your S3 bucket (which doesn’t exist).


  1. Go to the Amazon S3 management console.

  2. Click on the name of your recording bucket.

  3. Click on the Create folder button.

  4. Type connect as the name of the new folder and click on the Save button.

  5. Click on the name of your new folder.

  6. Click on the Upload button.

  7. In the pop-up, click on the Add files button.

  8. Select the two sample recordings from your local machine and click on the Open button.

  9. Click on the Upload button.

Command line

  1. Open a terminal tab on your local machine and cd to where you have downloaded the sample recordings.

  2. Use the following commands to upload the sample recordings:

    aws s3 cp sample1.wav s3://<your-recording-bucket-name>/connect/sample1.wav
    aws s3 cp sample2.wav s3://<your-recording-bucket-name>/connect/sample2.wav



    You have successfully imported our prepared sample call recordings into your recording bucket and can now follow your path of choice to start analyzing the call recordings.