Wrapping Up

Thank you!

Thanks a lot for joining the workshop today! We hope you learned something and got inspired.

Clean Up

You don’t have to do anything today, we will clean up after you in the AWS accounts we brought. However, if you want to experiment in your own AWS accounts, please remember to delete resources that are not needed anymore so that they don’t lead to unnecessary cost.

AWS is transparent about cost, therefore you will find comprehensive pricing information for every service on our public website. You can apply the pattern https://aws.amazon.com/<service-name>/pricing to get to the pricing details for a service.

Example: https://aws.amazon.com/athena/pricing/.

Follow Up

For any follow-ups on the topics we discussed today, but also for any other AWS-related topic, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your AWS account team.


We’re very much interested in honest feedback so that we can continuously improve our performance. If you like, you can chase us on Twitter: * Dirk Fröhner: @dirk_f5r * Boaz Ziniman: @ziniman


For the latest talks about AI at AWS and other interesting topics, please pay a visit to the AWS channel on youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/AmazonWebServices.

For all kinds training resources, please browse through our catalog at https://www.aws.training and pay special attention to our free digital training offering.

You can find the slides of this workshop here.